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Sunday, September 26, 2010

Ralph Reed Is a Liar

Amplify’d from www.theatlantic.com
Let's say it plain: Ralph Reed is a liar.
On a recent radio show -- highlighted by a blog
from People for the American Way -- Ralph Reed was chatting about his
halcyon days as part of Jack Abramoff's lobbying machine. He recalled
that his work with "Casino Jack," the once and famous king of K Street
"was outstanding, I'm proud of it, and it advanced sound public policy."
God Bless. What would that policy be? The legalized bribery of government officials?
recap, Ralph Reed worked for Team Abramoff by mobilizing Christians
opposed to gambling to shutter casinos. The only hitch: Reed was
usually paid by other casinos who had a financial interest in
eliminating their competitors. Therefore Abramoff needed to find a way
to make Reed comfortable, and to protect him against critics and the
likely fury of his own Christian followers - who might have been upset
if they had discovered that Reed was being paid by gamblers to do their
bidding. The solution: Abramoff laundered the Indian Casino payoffs to
Reed by routing them through other organizations, including Grover
Norquist's Americans for Tax Reform and a phony "think tank" in Rehoboth
Beach, MD, run by a life guard and a yoga instructor who were friends
of Abramoff's pal, Mike Scanlon. Details of this can be found in my
film, "Casino Jack and the United States of Money."
be clear: there was probably nothing illegal about what Reed did. But
he was engaged in a kind of spiritual fraud: telling his supporters that
he was opposed to gambling when, in fact, gambling was making him rich.
Read more at www.theatlantic.com

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