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Sunday, September 26, 2010

Halliburton slams "erroneous" BP rig blast report

Three things: (1) LOL. (2) I love watching giant corporations try and shift the blame between each other in an effort to avoid lawsuit action. (3) Nice one, Halliburton, but after the bang-up job you guys did in Iraq - slipshod construction work, serving our soldiers spoiled food and electrocuting them in showers, raping female soldiers and then trying to cover it up - who the hell wouldn't believe that you botched the cement at Deepwater Horizon, also?

LONDON, Sept 26 (Reuters) - Halliburton Co <HAL.N>, the
oilfield services company that cemented the blown-out Gulf of
Mexico well which caused the United States' worst-ever oil
spill, on Sunday said a BP <BP.L> report into the disaster that
laid the blame on the cement job offered a questionable account
of events and "erroneous conclusions."

Halliburton, based in Houston, Texas and Dubai, questioned
tests BP said it conducted that showed Halliburton's cement had
failed, allowing channels to form, through which hydrocarbons
could flow up the well and cause the explosion.

Thomas Roth, Halliburton's vice president of cementing,
told a panel of experts compiling a report on the causes of the
disaster for the U.S. Department of the Interior that BP's
tests were "flawed," and arrived at "erroneous conclusions."

"Notwithstanding all the red flags, BP did not change its
decision tree," Roth told the hearing, which was broadcast live
on the Internet on Sunday.

Read more at www.scientificamerican.com

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