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Monday, September 27, 2010

In Record Time, Fox Host Confuses Taxes, Spending, Socialism, And Fiscal Responsibilty (VIDEO)

Fox News hosts are masters at shouting down their own guests when disagreements arise. Here's a somewhat less-used tactic: increasingly absurd, scattershot questions, meant to yield an admission from the guest that she's a socialist.

This afternoon, Stuart Varney interviewed Occidental University professor Caroline Heldman, with the goal of walking Heldman, in Socratic-fashion, to the conclusion that President Obama is wrong to criticize the GOP for proposing "a series of policies that are just irresponsible...they say they want to balance the budget, they propose $4 trillion worth of tax cuts."

Unfortunately Varney confused "fiscal responsibility" with spending levels, and things went south from there.

See more at tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com

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